TEAM BLUE or Yellow get ready immediately! You're leaving for the MISSION - A.S.A.P.
We need to establish a “LZ - (Landing Zone)” for our troops so we can permanently supply our troops and reinforce the initial Force -YOU!!
Therefore, the MISSION Objective is to establish and hold the LZ and the surrounding territory as long as possible. Destroy as many opponent forces as possible including Armored Vehicles with your RPG-L (Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher). The longer YOUR Team is holding and dominating the different area’s the more supplies and reinforcement we can supply.
The opposing force is Team Red or Green! Intelligence reports show that their objective is to do exactly the same. They want to hold and gain territory and destroy your APC.
There are Domination points in the area which will help your team to determine which areas are yours and which are hold by the opposing forces. Bring as many of the “Domination Points under your control and hold them as long as possible Be aware of your team colors so you avoid friendly fire at all costs!
Fight the opposing team off and keep them off!!
You have to shoot directly at the “DOMINATION Point to capture the surrounding territory and to make the time count for your TEAM to reinforce the troops.
Heads up, Thumbs up for the mission and "LIVE the GAME!"