Squad Up

Tactical Nightmare

Level :
Level: 1
Age Group :

Welcome to our Tactical “NIGHTMARE” Mission!

Your SQUAD will either fight against an opposing SQUAD or team up with another FRIENDLY SQUAD to fight 2 opposing SQUAD Teams.

SQUAD Teams have designated colours so you easily can determine Friendly and Opposing Troops. SQUAD RED and GREEN will work together and SQUAD BLUE and YELLOW will work together.

Hence RED and GREEN will Fight BLUE and YELLOW and Vice Versa.

AVOID Friendly fire at all costs as it will impact on your general game score!!

Due to the high numbers of Combatants this is a very intense and fast MISSION. Communication, Tactics and Accuracy in Shooting are key elements.

EACH SQUAD consist of 10 to 21 Combatants including a MG21 -Berserk Light attack (SAW Type Machine Gun). Try to use this weapon as a tactical advantage as much as possible and create suppressing fire and tactical advantages as the firepower is enormous. Watch out though you shoot too much too fast and you risk “Overheating of the Barrel", which will force you to let the Barrel “Cool Down” and therefore you have NO fire support for up to 30 sec!!!

Heads up, Thumbs up for the mission and "LIVE the GAME!"

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